In The Money Options

The simple options strategy that always beats the market

Heather Cullen

Trade the tide, not the waves

ITM Reader Reviews

Amazon Bestseller ITM
Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

In The Money is written by Heather Cullen who has been trading the stock market for more than 20 years, and knows (through bitter experience!) what works and what doesn’t.

ITM is a simple options strategy she developed that anyone, even beginners,  can do and ALWAYS beats the market.

In The Money has been getting rave reviews from readers, some saying that its the best book on investing ever!

5 Star Reader Reviews

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

Wish I had this book 20 years ago!

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

Best ever easy to read book about investing

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

Great Introduction to using options for long term investing

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

Easy read that tells you what you want to know for a back tested way to profit with options trading.

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

A book written by experience from the school of hard knocks

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

Easy to read and understand, and a confidence boosting book

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

Great book, easy read, and how to get rich slow

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

A very readable book on how options trading works and how you can indeed ‘beat the market’

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

A true gem. You can’t get any simpler than this!

Five Stars Reviews for In The Money

Clear, easy to follow and enjoyable Very helpful.

In The money Amazon Bestseller Investing in Options ITM

In The Money - an Amazon Best Seller

In The Money has reached the top of several Amazon categories and sales continue to grow as word gets out about the new options strategy that always beats the market.

ITM has been at number l in Investing in Options, E-Commerce, Online Trading, Options Trading,  Derivatives and Women in Business and several others.

In The Money Bestseller Amazon E-commerce ITM

Stock market books - Yawn!

Heather is an avid reader of all books about the stock market and in particular options trading. She noticed that there were very few that were interesting and understandable.

In fact, it seemed as though many of the books were more interested in proving how smart the author was rather than helping the reader to understand the concepts. Apart from anything else most were just plain boring and almost guaranteed to put the reader to sleep!

In The Money eBook and Paperback

In The Money - what's different?

Heather realized that what was lacking was a book that combined theory and real-life experience from an author who wasn’t afraid to own up to her many mistakes.

By showing what she did wrong as well as what she did right the reader is spared from making the same mistakes, while at the same time hopefully getting a smile or a laugh about some of the things she did wrong.

Available on Amazon

Paperback and eBook.

ITM: for beginners & experienced traders

As you have probably worked out, the author is a female and she originally intended to write a book about trading from a woman’s point of view. However, the interest from men as well as women changed all that and it is now a ‘how-to’ book for both beginners and experienced traders.

In The Money covers everything you need to know to start trading the ITM strategy and gives you an easy to follow roadmap to get you started on your pathway to wealth.

So what else do readers say?

‘In The Money is one of the best books out there!’

‘ The /TM method even handled the COVID mega dip!’

‘A very readable introduction and “How To” guide.’

‘An easy and fun book, a pleasure to read. Why has it taken so long for such a book to appear?’

‘ I am very grateful for successful traders sharing their hard-won knowledge and experience.’

‘Maube the best bit is the self-effacing examples that Heather uses to illustrate the pitfalls.’

‘Thank you Heather, just read your book, seems like a great system, and now I have to give it a try!’

‘ I am very grateful for successful traders sharing their hard-won knowledge and experience.’

‘Maube the best bit is the self-effacing examples that Heather uses to illustrate the pitfalls.’

‘I bought your book last night and read it straight through to 3AM! Loved it!’

‘ It was chock full of wisdom that can only be gained through years of experience’.

‘Congratulations on your excellent book In The Money. I enjoyed reading it immensely on several levels.’

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Paperback and eBook.

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